Building rapport with players and beginning to understand relevant aspects of their cricket journey helps us build a greater understanding of the player. Coaches may also look to get a better understanding of how a player may overcome a challenge or problem
Reviewing footage of training is a key coaching and learning tool in the development of sound technique and especially safe bowling actions.
Getting bowling speeds, and spin rates for spinners, not only provides a unique experience for players but also allows us to build a picture of what good looks like using data. Use of pitch maps, scoring zones & match day data enhances learning
Players will have three opportunities to provide structured feedback to ensure we continue to improve the program as we strive to be world leading.
An individualised player talent ID and development tool is applied 3 times per year to monitor the improvement of the player holistically across a wide spectrum of essential cricketing attributes including:
- Physical
- Technical
- Strategic
- Psychological & Emotional
- Professional
- Game Performance
It is in the interests of the Cricket Tasmania Pathway to continue to monitor all non-selected players, as we fully understand that individuals develop at different rates. We committed to remain in touch with impressive performances occurring away from Pathway cricket in club land. In addition, recent advancements in technology have further expanded our reach allowing us to incorporate the viewing of match play within the club and school cricket network to those using video capture services. This, along with a stronger relationship with our CTPL clubs provides us with a broader perspective on the performances and potential of players across the state. To further develop and optimise this process created a dedicated link for schools and clubs. This link serves as a platform for a wider network of players to provide us with updates about outstanding player performances, particularly those that align with the core fundamentals we value in the Pathway Framework. While this system may not give further opportunity to every player that is submitted, it will provide us a wider, more accurate context around which players warrant additional information gathering.