Volunteer Support & Recognition

Volunteer Support

Cricket Tasmania recognises that volunteers are the life-blood of cricket clubs and associations and are essential in ensuring cricket is fun, social and safe. The resources below will hopefully allow clubs develop and improve the recruitment and coordination of  volunteers and help make volunteering as easy, appealing and rewarding as possible.

Why do people volunteer?

Think about the reasons you volunteer - what motivates you to give your free time to the club?

Research shows that the main reasons people volunteer include;

  • Meet new people
  • Utilise their skills in a meaningful way
  • Gain work experience
  • Fun and enjoyment
  • To make a difference in their community


What stops people from volunteering? Understanding what holds people back from getting or staying involved will also help you recruit volunteers. Some common reasons for not volunteering include;

  • Time constraints
  • Not knowing what volunteering opportunities exist
  • The possibility of out-of-pocket expenses
  • The belief they’re not skilled enough to help
  • Feeling shy / lack of confidence


Volunteer Resources:

Task Descriptions

Child Safety

All committee members, coaches, managers and any other people who come into contact with children (under 18) must have a valid Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) Card. Clubs should keep an active record of these details (see Club Volunteering Register above). WWVP Cards can be obtained here:


For information on Australian Cricket’s Child Safety Policy, please refer to the ‘Policies, Guidelines & Codes of Conduct’ tab.

Cricket Australia Volunteer Webinar Recordings:


Club Marketing Resources:

Woolworths Cricket Blast


Junior Cricket


All Girls Junior Cricket

Major Partners

Other Partners