Cricket Tasmania's Coach Approach for 2024-25

Cricket Tasmania is pleased to announce that further investment and resources are being dedicated to community volunteer coaches across Tasmania this season.

Coaches play an integral role in providing access to cricket participants across the state, and without the right information and support, coaching can become difficult.

Cricket Tasmania will be providing increased opportunities for volunteers and community coaches to participate in free, practical, coach education sessions this season.

All sessions are free, and run for 1 hour, and are designed for community coaches of all levels and will include several practical strategies to help support coaches.

General Manager of Community Cricket at Cricket Tasmania, Alex King, discussed his pride in being able to offer this resource again this season.

“To align with our Cricket Tasmania strategy, we are pleased to be providing more volunteer friendly sessions aimed at delivering relevant practical experiences for grassroots coaches, team managers and volunteers this season.

“These volunteer coaches and team managers are crucial for the future success of the game and the role they play in keeping players engaged along with developing their skills is imperative.

“The further investment in this space will see more programs delivered more often right across Tasmania. All clubs that attend will receive free equipment packs and we are encouraging all community coaches to register today and attend a session near them,” said King.

Registrations can be made via Cricket Tasmania’s website -


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